
Archive for the ‘Roll Around…’ Category

We’re taking our rolls on the road!

After several months posing for cameras in Seattle, we decided to take our Chicken Sausage Rolls to visit some of the other cities where our rolls are sold: Oregon, Idaho and Texas.

Since Roll Around Seattle was such a success, we decided we would take photos of our rolls in front of other points of interest throughout OR, ID, and TX.

Like Roll Around Seattle, we are giving away coupons for free rolls to the first person to email us (info@isernio.com) with the correct Roll Around answer whenever we post a photo.

Just visit our Facebook fan page or Twitter to see the photos. We’re going to try to post several photos each week, depending on how our rolls are feeling (sometimes they’re camera shy). Again, be the first to email us the correct guess at info@isernio.com and win yourself a free roll!

By the way, that photo up there? That’s our first “Roll Around…” photo. Can you guess where it is? Hint: it straddles WA and OR. Email us the correct guess and win!

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